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Academia: Toolkit


Generating great research ideas is fundamental to scholars. Based on our work across the world with Academic Creativity Labs, we built a set of tools to guide scholars in generating impactful ideas. Stefan Stremersch, based on the approach co-developed with Elio Keko and Nuno Camacho, brought together a clear process and tools in his recently published paper in the International Journal of Research in Marketing (2023) which you can download below.

The paper “How Can Academics Generate Great Research Ideas? Inspiration from Ideation Practice” offers details on the process of developing ideas, the tools, academic background on the tools, and a reflection of how academics generate ideas. The paper also reviews recent advances in AI and how researchers can leverage AI. Check it out and find out more about the tools below.

Visit our toolkit pages below to learn more about each tool:

Phase 1

Domain Exploration

Tools to help you discover domains, clarify your collaborations, and select domains to immerse in.

Phase 2

Phase 2:
Domain Immersion

Tools to help you discover domains, clarify your collaborations, and select domains to immerse in.

Phase 3

Phase 3:
Research Project Design

Tools to help you discover domains, clarify your collaborations, and select domains to immerse in.