Client Case

IÉSEG School of Management

IÉSEG is one of the top Business Schools in France. It was founded in 1964, and is a non-profit association (law 1901), member of the Université Catholique de Lille, of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and of the FESIC (Federation of Higher Education Institutions of Collective Interest).

Training objectives

We brought together 25 faculty members from different departments including marketing, sales management, IS (information systems), PON (people, organizations & negotiation), finance, and accounting. We had three key goals, namely:

  • Share state-of-the-art tools and process used by companies worldwide
  • Bring people together to share ideas, give feedback, and challenge
  • Come up with new ideas that you can turn into impactful projects

Training details

The training took place throughout 2-days, in which we guided participants through our 4-step approach of domain setting, immersion, ideation, and maturation. Following inspirational and interactive sessions, the 25 participants formed groups of 5 to apply our tooling to their own projects and discuss in team. We varied the groups throughout the 2-days so that people could gather feedback from different participants. Throughout the 2-days we shared ideas across the groups.


Participants were exposed to a set of tools which they can use to develop new impactful research topics. They also received feedback from different colleagues, across departments, on their research ideas. Bringing people together across departments also allowed everyone to get a better understanding of future research of their colleagues. Many participants also come up with ideas jointly which they then transformed into research projects.

Why Academic Creativity Labs?

We are proud to bring something new to academia and help develop researchers’ competencies so they can have a higher societal impact and bring innovations to the world. We bring a unique blend of knowledge from business and academia.

From business we bring tooling, processes and experience working with science-driven companies & organizations.

From academia we bring a deep understanding of the academic world based on our own academic experience.