Learning Vision Document

A hands-on guide for your learning journey to success

Do you feel exhausted by fragmented and uncoordinated trainings? 

Do you struggle to articulate capability gaps or craft a clear vision for your learners’ journeys? 

Longing for a centralized documentation of processes and tools to maintain training quality and monitor results? 

Our Learning Vision Document, is your solution!

A Learning Vision Document streamlines the vision of your learning team or organization by clarifying (1) your learning scope and goals, (2) how to continuously identify high priority capabilities and competencies to train, (3) what your critical success factors are, (4) governance, (5) mode of operation, (6) measurable results (and how to track them), and more. Its key advantage lies in aligning everyone on the same page for learning and development. Say farewell to overlaps, vague objectives, and inconsistent terminology. With our learning vision document, you’ll have a centralized “one-stop” resource for your training efforts with clear guidelines for all stakeholders involved. Get ready for a new era of streamlined efficiency and clarity, and to design effective trainings that tap into the competencies your learners need to deliver the results your organization seeks to achieve.

"Our collaboration with MTI² on commercial trainings has been a game-changer for us. The Learning Vision document is our go-to resource, guiding our actions and ensuring alignment throughout the organization."

What is MTI²’s learning vision document and how does it help your organization?

The Learning Vision Document is a comprehensive guide that clarifies, consolidates, and communicates your learning organization’s scope and vision.

The document starts by clarifying the goals & objectives of your learning & development team (or of a specific ‘academy’). It clarifies (1) what those goals & objectives are, (2) why do you invest in (specific) trainings, (3) what is the focus of your trainings (and what is out of scope), (4) what you need to get right (e.g., processes for instructional design, training delivery, knowledge management, etc.), and (5) What measurable results will you then obtain.

To serve as a foundation for developing a cohesive set of trainings, the document then clarifies the scope of your activities, i.e., who are your learners (target audience of your trainings), and what capabilities do you want them to develop. The document often also provides the ground rules for learner journeys, i.e., how to define the competencies that different learners should acquire or improve.

Besides ensuring consistency in trainings and terminology, it is also critical to properly communicate your activities and vision. Therefore, the document devotes a chapter to communication, to help enable effective decision-making, buy-in, and dissemination of the learning vision.

Importantly, the document also clarifies the governance, i.e., who will make decisions and help implement and roll-out the learning vision, as well as the mode of operation of your team, organization or academy.

Finally, the document clarifies critical success factors and how to track whether your objectives are or have been achieved.

Your vision: Develop the right competencies and capabilities

The world is changing faster than ever. To effectively deliver results across different functional areas, you must continuously re-evaluate the critical capabilities needed for your organization. Your people play a critical role in enabling you to reach those desired set of company capabilities. Therefore, MTI² helps you clarify both the firm-level capabilities you want to prioritize, and the individual-level competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that you want your learners to develop. To efficiently clarify and make these high-stakes decisions, we use a set of frameworks and tools that help navigate these questions efficiently and effectively.

Example of competencies framework: Knowledge-Skills-Attitudes

At MTI², we always stress that learner competencies go beyond the knowledge that you have (see the pyramid on the right). Knowledge is what learners need to KNOW to contribute to the company by executing their functions and solving challenges. Skills are what learners need to be able to DO, i.e., having the capacity and tools to analyse and find solutions for problems in their daily jobs. Attitudes are how learners should be WIRED & LEAD, i.e., what mindset they need to excel in leading and setting direction through example, conviction, and charisma rather than simple authority.

A balanced learning vision covers all three competency dimensions.

From vision to execution

After clarifying the “why” (i.e., why do we train?) and the “what” (i.e., what do we train on?) of your learning vision, it is important to clarify what activities does your team or learning organization need to get right. We focus on six key areas of learning execution:

From execution to tracking results

Once the vision document is set and you start rolling it out, it is important to systematically track and monitor the impact of your efforts across five critical dimensions of our “PASER” tracking, which is an acronym for (1) purpose, (2) application, (3) satisfaction, (4) engagement, and (5) reach: